6/20/99 - Jim & Gwen hiked this with me. I think this mountain may have a curse. We tried to do this mountain the week before and Jim and Gwen's car had problems. We got all the way up there and had to come back because there was something wrong with their ignition.
I was living in Connecticut at the time so I had driven up to their house in Milford, NH, slept over, then went up to the Whites, only to have to come back and do it again the next week. We started believing there might be a chief Waumbec haunting the mountain and he didn't want the white man on his peak (so to speak). The second attempt, Gwen and I stayed up late talking and I hardly slept.
Before we summited, we ate our lunch under our rain gear because there were so many bugs. There was a family with a dog named Pork Chop and an older couple with their grandson. The grandson was sketching the summit. (I wonder if they thought the mountain was cursed?)

Luckily, it was an easy mountain to climb and it ended well.

(A high 5 for mountain #5, what's that over my shoulder? Could this be spirit photography?) We drove home through Mt. Washington Valley as the sun was setting, then went to dinner at the Woodstock Inn and ate outside. Sweet! Jimbo talked about how cool it would be to eat dinner there (and drink some beer) while doing your laundry at the laundrymat across the street.