Mt. Wiley 8/6/05 - Hiked with Jim & Gwen - Trailhead is near Arethusa Falls trail, off 302. Met Jim and Gwen there. I ate half my food waiting for them. Started hiking at 9:30. The first part of the trail was relatively flat, crossing railroad tracks. The second half got much steeper (I guess it would have to). There were a lot of ladders made of logs (see pic). They were so fun to climb! Gwen and I lost Jimbo at this point and we passed a couple guys who are also doing the 4k footers. When we got to the summit Jimbo was up there hanging out with these 2 other guys exchanging funny hiking stories. One of them got a call from his wife and she must have asked him who he was with because I heard him say "they're woman hikers". We could see Mt. Washington and smoke from the cog from the summit. The hike down was pretty uneventful until I fell. It was actually on a flat area; I was just walking too fast and not paying attention. Got back to the cars at 3:30. This was my favorite hike so far. The weather was beautiful and I was feeling great on the drive

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